Our commitment to the planet


As well as our 1% for the Planet commitment that will be made through 1% approved Environmental Partners, we are also committed to other causes that we believe in. For example, since 2021 we have been business members supporting Mossy Earth in their efforts to restore wild ecosystems, support wildlife and biodiversity and help fight climate change. Together these commitments will mean that for this financial year 2023/24 we will be committing towards 5% of our annual revenue to environmental causes we believe in.

Since our inception the goal of Natural Distinction has been to help clients reduce their impact on our planet and ultimately make the world a more sustainable place. This comes from our passionate belief that we all can make a difference and while we can’t be perfect overnight we can always make forward steps in supporting a more environmentally conscious society.

Beyond our own actions we believe that supporting those working on the ground towards environmental causes is essential if we are to see the scale of change needed to support a healthy planet for future generations. That’s why we have joined the 1% for the Planet movement as a full business member with a commitment to donate at least 1% of our annual sales revenue to worthy environmental causes.

1% for the Planet was created by friends Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia founder) and Craig Mathews (Yellowstone conservationist) as a way for businesses to hold themselves accountable for their environmental impact, and the organisation has now certified over $585 million in environmental giving to date. We are now in the process of selecting the vetted Environmental Partner(s) we will support with our donations and are excited to build relationships with likeminded organisations working on issues that are close to our hearts.

Making a real difference for the planet is what we are all about. We are committed to living those values everyday and donate over 1% of our annual sales revenue to environmental causes.

Visit our Mossy Earth profile to learn more and contribute to our impact - https://mossy.earth/platform/profiles/GEOT397DJU

Mossy Earth

Mossy Earth’s focus on habitat and biodiversity restoration in key project areas across Europe led us to supporting their work and over the course of our membership we are proud to have helped a range of programmes across many different ecosystems. Mossy Earth’s membership engagement allows us to track our impact and receive easily accessible and informative information on the projects we are supporting, where they are located, their aims, why they are so important and much more. Their work now extends beyond Europe and a sample of the projects we have assisted with our membership include: ocelot reintroductions in Iberia, saving rare sea cliff plants, temperate rainforest restoration, and many more. We believe that Mossy Earth’s rounded approach to environmental conservation means that the positive impacts of their work will last well into the future and will give ongoing benefits to people and planet.

Natural Distinction are also a proud member of the Better Business Network an inclusive nationwide community for purpose driven businesses that want to make the world a better place. The Better Business Network is also the third company in the UK (4th in the World) to officially add Nature to their Board of Directors. This new concept creates a new role within the company which is specifically designed to represent nature and the wider natural world. BBN run a range of social and environmental campaigns, all of which can be found here.

^ Our Founder talks to The Earth Project about their Climate Active initiative, a project designed to engage sports professionals and athletes on their relationship with nature and the environment, and to explore what they are doing to make a difference.